Registered Massage Therapy (RMT)
Registered Massage Therapy is provided by registered therapists, and the treatment is covered under ICBC and most of the extended health benefits. It is available in Metrotown, New Westminster, and Surrey.
Registered Massage Therapy (RMT)
What is Registered Massage Therapy?
Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) is a treatment method that should be performed only by therapists trained in human anatomy and physiology.
Registered Massage Therapy Benefits
Therapists who specialize in different structures in the human body and how systems work together, help heal a wide range of health problems ranging from chronic pain and poor posture to anxiety disorder and depression.
Massage therapy stretches and relaxes tight muscles, thereby helping to reduce stiffness and edema in the muscles and joints. Massage has a positive effect on improving emotional discomfort, such as anxiety and depression, as it helps the body secrete endorphins and dopamine hormones.

Cancellation Policy
We respect that your time is valuable and we appreciate that you understand ours is too. If appointments are cancelled or rescheduled at short notice, or if you do not attend an appointment, this means we are unable to re-use that time to support other patients.
A fee to the value of the appointment booked will be applied to your account for any missed appointments or cancellations without 24 hours notice.
Please note that the cost of missed appointments and late cancellations are not covered by your ICBC, WCB or private insurance.